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  • Writer's pictureElla Coppola

Vick Schuijlenburg: How a Teenage Girl Fell in Love with Historic Racing

It’s not every day that you get to meet a teenager as passionate as sixteen years old dutch racecar driver Vick Schuijlenburg. Way before The F1 Girlies was even officially launched, she was one of the first person to reach out to me about her story. It's with eagerness that she shared about how she started her career, wanting to help inspire other girls learn more about the ways that they can make their own racing dreams happen. For many young girls, the lack of representation in racing can be a determining factor in if they choose to pursue their ambitions or not.

A teenage girl in a race suit and race helmet holding on to the door of her racecar

Dive in as Vick tells us more about Historic racing, her career path and how she overcame the challenges she faced so far, in an effort to shed light on the process she went through to reach her goals.

How Does One Become a Racing Driver?

It's from a creative solution to a small hurdle that Vick Schuijlenburg's racing journey started. Like many young girls interested in motorsport, it all started with her father. He owned a classic car company and he wanted his daughter to drive one. Being too young to get her driving license, he found the next best thing in order to make this dream happen: helping her get her racing license. Teaching her the basics of driving, from the clutch, brake and accelerator to how to shift gears, it’s at fifteen that she passed the exam with flying colors, officially kick-starting her racing career. 

a blue and white race car in a garage at sunrise.

Following the obtention of her licence, Vick joined a company organizing races, the same one where she took her driving classes. This is also when she got her own race car, a Porsche 944, a gift from her father and uncle. Now that everything was in order, it was finally time for her to starting racing. It’s at the Zandvoort Historic Grand Prix that she participated in her first ever competition.

If you’re not familiar with it, Historic racing is a division that allows participants to race using their own classic and vintage cars. At the time of her first race, Vick’s experience with Historic racing was not something completely new for her. Indeed, she has been attending this Netherlands based event with her family ever since she was a young child. As we chat, she recalls her five years old self being curious about the cars, walking around, questioning the drivers about what they do. 

Historic racing is the most pure racing, without any helping systems. Just the driver and the car. It’s unique and the most beautiful type of motorsport in my opinion.

During that first race, after only having had thirty minutes to drive and get used to her new car, she still managed, at fifteen, to qualify 31st out of 47 contestants. Vick is also the youngest and only female participating in her national championship, in which she is currently second in the standings. Her quick progress in a sport that is still relatively new for her is inspiring, showing that with practice, support and dedication also comes growth.

Overcoming Challenges

In September of 2023, Vick's confidence took a hit after she crashed straight into the barriers at a speed of 100kph, totaling the car she was driving in the process. Smoke coming out of the engine, safety personnel rushing to her, it was all part of a new and unfortunate learning experience for her. While physically, she came out of the crash with a few bruises and pains, it affected her confidence in a way that anyone who has ever taken a considerable risk and experienced failure can relate to. Following this accident, the aprehension of getting back in her car caused her to experience a high level of stress, affecting her greatly.

For a few months I was stressed about getting back in the car, but the moment that I put my helmet on and started the engine, all of my fear was gone again. Even though it’s very hard, and it may feel like failure, sometimes it's better to take a step back.

Nonetheless, the second she put her helmet back on and got back on track, she was met with the confirmation that her love for racing will always overtake her fears.

Inspiring a New Generation of Female Racing Drivers

Currently, Vick is working on building another car to compete with, a Mercedes 450SLC. When asked about her goals for the future, she told all about how she aspires to accomplish as much as she can in the discipline that is Historic Racing. With a dream to one day drive iconic cars like the Ford Capri, Ford GT40, Shelby's, the BMW E9 and many more. But, before anything else, Vick wants to make it her mission to inspire other young girls to pursue their dream of racing, as well as make the most out of the current opportunities she has. She wishes to give back to a community that nurtured her own interest for racing growing up by taking the time to answer questions of young girls at events she participates in, as she was once in their shoes. “I will never forget how happy drivers made me when I could sit in their racecar.” she recalls, motivated to bring the same joy to a future generation of aspiring racing drivers. “It’s amazing that ten years later, I’m one of the drivers myself.”

a teenage girl in a racesuit holding a race helmet. She is leaning on her parked racecar

Vick also uses her time at racing events to speak with parents of young children, trying to inform them on how they can support their children in their dream of becoming a racing driver, as well as raising awareness on the ways that it can be more accessible than they might think. 

What Vick Wants You to Know

When Vick and I first started connecting with each other, she taught me about how various divisions of motorsport can be a lot more accessible than one might assume. While, realistically, it might not be a sport that everyone can partake in, from lack of local opportunities to a lack of funding, it might still be possible to make it happen if one really wishes to get into racing. It’s a sport that requires commitment, both with time and resources, and the obstacles to get into racing are especially true for young girls like Vick. Women have to face a whole other path of struggles, with stereotypes harming their chances to become a racing driver as well as their sense of confidence regarding their abilities. 

As Vick puts it, “If you have a dream and goal, go for it! No matter what people will tell you, as long as you have fun with what you’re doing, nothing else matters. You’re doing it for you, not for them.” She also shared how working with sponsors an option not to neglect. It can make a significant difference in the opportunities one can achieve, with her 2024 season expenses being fully covered by sponsors, a game changer for young aspiring racing drivers. 

Hardships are unavoidable, everyone faces challenges, and where there is challenge, there is the possibility of setbacks. After experiencing her crash, Vick learned to listen to herself and know her limits. This allows her to push her boundaries, while also protecting herself. 

Everything takes a lot of time and practice! Don’t be disappointed if you don't succeed in one go, Rome wasn't built in one day either. Just do your best, you can't do more than that!

As long as there is passion, as long as you have fun with what you are doing, everything else is worth it.

You can find Vick Schuijlenburg at the Red Bull Ring Classics June 6 to 8, where she will be competing next! And, to any girls and women reading this article, you can always reach out to Vick with any questions about racing, she is happy to help and guide you in any way she can!

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